Tuesday, January 8, 2019

First Week of Reading - Reflections

Okokok - we all know that resolutions start out with a bang and go bust. Spare me the skepticism or asking if I'm sleeping - I promise I am!

In my first week of reading I read three vastly different books: Ho'oponono, The Inheritance of Loss, and Practical Demonkeeping. I'd read them all again, and if anything these first three books have shown me just how much I have to learn from the world (and people) around me.  This is not one of those "resolutions" - I have definitely found something that works for me and truly helps me unplug. It's almost like coming home after years - the place where your happiest, calmest, best memories took place. That is what my reading is feeling like, and I am glad that so many in my community are helping me take this journey. Talk about an infusion of energy!

Disclaimer: I read for about 60 to 90 minutes per day, including actually taking a lunch away from my desk now to read. That is every single day. At 50 pages per hour (give or take, depending on the intensity of the material), it is why I set a goal of 1 book per week. (50 pages x 7 days = ~350 pages per week. And yes, I just did the math to put it all into perspective).

Leading up to me setting this goal was coming off of the months of November and December where I read about 15-20 books, all related to anxiety, brain chemistry, and various spiritual explanations for the application of complex science (quantum theories). These books helped me shift my thinking in a way that has been holistic and positive: I have more energy, am a more engaged mom, am working on being a better manager and employee, and am embracing things that are uncomfortable because they - shockingly - feel good on the inside. Life is abundant and wonderful. My request to read books that I would not have normally considered had two purposes:
  1. I wanted to find different ways of connecting (or reconnecting) to people that I know (in some cases, as far back as when I was 5...…)
  2. I wanted to grow, expand, and generally become a better being - and I can't do that if I don't read things that are outside of my norm
And my first week was a smashing success - I loved all three of the books I finished. I'm hungry for more. Conveniently, the library auto-borrowed several books for me (some not even on the list this year), so next up are:
  • The Terrans - Jean Johnson
  • Existence - David Brin
  • Snow Crash - Neal Stephenson
No spoilers please - and yes, I know they are all sci-fi. Still excited to be discovering new material, new authors, and new ways to connect with people in my life. And hey, it's better than reading only business books. Small steps, one page at a time.

Happy Reading!

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