Sunday, February 10, 2019

Review - Manage Your Day-to-Day: Build Your Routine, Find Your Focus, & Sharpen Your Creative Mind (Jocelyn Glei)

The irony of blogging about a book that discourages technological extensions of ourselves is not lost on me. That said, this was a fantastic read. I have been struggling to be more creative, break some of my own tried and true habits that up until now have garnered me with reasonable success. However, I know that I can do more, that I'm capable of more, that I'm nowhere near my fullest potential.

So I bought this book.

It would be an understatement to say this book is not at all what I thought it was going to be.

Aristotle said, "We are repeatedly what we do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit." And this book is all about habits - habits that retrain your brain to wander, focus on the creative process, letting go of perfectionism. That's right - habits.

At first blush, it seems as if this book is counter-intuitive to all of the other unity of consciousness and enlightenment I've been doing, focused on breaking habits and undoing the hard-wiring of the brain. What sets this apart regarding why habits are important is that these are habits of creating. Innovation is 1% ideas and 99% hard work - but we are conditioned to be so laser-focused on that 1% it consumes us, leading to feelings of failure and self-criticism that are unhealthy. And I found the exact opposite to be true as I read this book.

It was an incredibly fast read - there are dozens of contributors, all focused on the same principle: the act of creating, of unleashing the world of possibilities that lies within us. And I am very excited to unleash those possibilities within myself.

Happy Reading!

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