Sunday, June 30, 2019

Review: The Thirteenth Tale (Diana Setterfield)

I feel like I'm being generous when I give this book 3 stars, but not for the reasons you might think. The Thirteenth Tale gets 3 stars because I recognize there are plenty of people who like books like this, and then people like me where these are really not ideal types of books.

This is a dark, somber, and tragic tale that ultimately results in healing before the characters' final breaths. We follow the story of Margaret Lee, who is a writer with a tragic story. Margaret is requested by a famed writer, Viola Winter, to document her biography. It follows a ghost story, abandonment, intense (and let's be real, borderline psychotic) love, betrayal, and yes - even death.

The few heart-warming, joy-filled moments throughout the book come as slow yet craved as a good joint at the end of a shitty week - but only make it passable as the next tragedy builds up.

So for people who like these sorts of books, you likely will be immersed into this world and entangled stories with a joy and love of reading. You'd probably rate it 4 or 5 stars.

But for me? This was a bit too much tragedy for my tastes, and that is overwhelming in a different sort of way (hence 2 stars from me and a compromise at 3).

Happy reading!

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