Friday, February 22, 2019

Revierw - The Phoenix Guards (Steven Brust)

It always intrigues me when a book's author references who he blatantly ripped off.

Yeah, that's sort of the spoiler alert.

I won't get into the story or plotline beyond saying that if you enjoyed the Three Musketeers, you will likely enjoy elements of this book.

I was not really expecting an Old English flavor to the writing style - I'm sure I missed some jokes or wit early on, but after about 50 or 60 pages I adjusted and found many more things amusing. It was an easy enough read with the classic medivalish level of revenge, plot twists, and romance. A far cry from my usual fantasy reads, but not terrible.

The only real change I'd make is cutting about 100 pages out of the book. At times it felt verbose - and not just because of the English. A shorter book that left a bit more of a cliff hanger for the next in the series would have likely tipped this upwards from a modest score of 3 out of 5 stars.

I will caution you that if you are a fan of Alexandre Dumas' writing, set your expectations a bit lower and you can adjust from there.

Happy Reading!

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