A quick review of the books I've read in my first month:
- Ho'oponopono - Dupree
- The Inheritance of Loss - Desai
- Practical Demonkeeping - Moore
- Existence - Brinn
- The Terrans - Johnson
- Snow Crash - Stephenson
- The Four Noble Truths - Dalai Lama XIV
- Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time - Sutherland (not on my reading list)
- Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself - Dispenza (not on my reading list)
- Everything I Never Told You - Ng
- Bloodsucking Fiends: A Love Story - Moore
This aligns well to Dispenza's book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself. In Breaking, Dispenza walks through in plain English the neurochemical responses that take place in the brain and different hormone centers of the body. Guess what? There are seven hormone centers (glands) and they align to the seven chakra locations. Not a coincidence - as I continue to increase in my meditation practices and self-healing, it is amazing to align the scientific realities to the spiritual experiences I am having.
Both Breaking and Ng's Everything I Never Told You were read ahead of when I had intended to read them - thank you auto-checkout system through Sno-Isle libraries. I don't like being a bottleneck, and when I saw that others (41, in fact) were behind me on Ng's book, i chose to just read it now versus trying to read it later in the year. What a powerful story that touched me in so many ways. It is crazy to think of how recently some of the legal events took place, and how impactful those attitudes still are in our society.
Out of my original list of 52 books, I've read 9 (that's 17% if you care, and all 11 books reflect 19.6% of the 56 books on docket for the year). And - thank you library - I have 4 that auto-checked out this week:
- Tell the Wolves I'm Home
- Outlander
- The Mark of the Assassin
- Lamb: The gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Friend
Happy Reading!